
We are a friendly, family orientated fellowship meeting on the High Street in Chipping Sodbury, near Bristol. We bring together people of different age groups and backgrounds. Our aim is to share, celebrate and live out the good news about Jesus. If you want to know more about that, have a look at the Good News pages of this website.

From our energetic children and youth groups to our seniors clubs we have a place for everyone. Our mid-week activities enjoyed by our youngsters include The Edge Kids (for yrs 3-6) & The Edge Youth (for yrs 7+), and our Women’s Own, Thursday Friends and Memory Cafe are ready to welcome the older citizens of Yate and Chipping Sodbury.

Whether you are just visiting, wishing to explore the Christian faith or are looking for a church family to join we look forward to welcoming you.

What we have to offer:

  • Bible-based teaching that is applicable to life today

  • Vibrant worship

  • Warm, friendly environment

  • Excellent Children’s and Youth work

During the week, there are a number of small groups meeting in various homes scattered around the local area. Times, days and age ranges vary from group to group, so its quite easy to find a group that will fit your busy life!  Each group is unique in makeup and format but all groups share one goal to grow in God through: Meeting to chat, pray, cry, laugh, study the Bible, and to seek God together.  They are the place where deep friendships are forged and renewed, lives kept afloat (and sometimes changed).  Even if Sunday Morning Church is not your thing (and even if it is), a small group pow-wow get together once a week is inevitably time well spent.

If you would like to know more please contact the Church Office: office@cs-bc.org.uk


Living The Life God Intended

  • What if there was a way to live life to the fullest?

  • A life that was overflowing with energy, purpose and positivity?

  • A life where you really thought you were achieving something good and really making a difference?

  • A life that you weren’t just merely surviving but actually enjoying?

Well guess what… there is!

And the way to it can be found in God’s Word, The Bible. Each week we explore God’s Word together in a way that is both inspiring and challenging.

If you miss any of the messages you can view them on our You Tube Channel.

  • Care Groups

    We as a church value our care groups and believe they are a vital and integral part of our fellowship. As the church grows and continues to expand it can be difficult to meet people and make friends.

    That’s where care groups step in! In any of these groups you can really get to know people, be pastorally cared for, study God’s Word, receive prayer and pray for people, be encouraged and be an encourager! We have a variety of groups that meet in peoples homes at different times throughout the week.

    You are welcome to attend any of the groups before committing yourself to one. The leaders are happy for you to ‘come and see’ and will offer you a warm welcome whether it’s for one evening or on a more permanent basis.

    There are Care groups that meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – morning, afternoon or evening. So there should be a convenient time and day to suit most needs. And if not, we can start another group.

    For more information please contact the Church Office

  • Spiritual Gifts

    You have been uniquely created by God with particular spiritual gifts. The apostle Paul did not want Christians to be “ignorant” about spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1). At CSBC, we don’t either!

    The Spiritual Gifts Discovery Course is designed for anyone who wants to grow in their faith and discover how God has uniquely designed and equipped you to serve. Join others in the congregation for this two session course which is run on a yearly basis at the Church

    We have run several Spiritual Gifts Discovery Courses over past years, and would expect to do so again, though none are currently scheduled. Such courses are designed for anyone who wants to grow in their faith and discover how God has uniquely designed and equipped you to serve.

  • Alpha

    A new Alpha course will be held at CSBC starting with an introductory evening on Monday, 9th September at 7.30pm. To book a place contact our minister Tom on tom@cs-bc.org.uk

    Alpha is a 12 week course exploring life, meaning and Christian faith. It has been attended by millions of people across the world. See alpha.org for more details. Each 90 minute session consists of a meal, an episode from the acclaimed Alpha series and a discussion where no question is too deep or too daft!!

“To Know God and be the people of God in our world, by sharing and showing His love”